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Results and Error Handling

Every query returns an object of the format

//Successfull Query
type Result<ReturnedType> = {
  data: ReturnedType;
  error: null;
//Failed Query
type Result = {
  data: null;
  error: {
    message: string;


type User = {
  fid: number;
  ethAddresses: string[];
  solAddresses: string[];
  username: string;
  displayName: string;
  bio: string;
  pfpUrl: string;
  followerCount: number;
  followingCount: number;
  powerBadge?: boolean;
  viewerContext: {
    following: boolean;
    followedBy: boolean;

Queries: getUserByFid and getUserByUsername returns Result<User>.


type Cast = {
  //Author's viewer context does not always exist in this case
  author: UserWithOptionalViewerContext;
  hash: string;
  url: string;
  userReactions: {
    likes: number;
    recasts: number;
  viewerContext: {
    liked: boolean;
    recasted: boolean;
  text: string;
  embeds: unknown[];
  channel: string | null;

Queries getCastByHash and getCastByUrl returns Result<Cast>

Custom Queries

sdk.neynar and sdk.airstack return Result<unknown> since the returned value is not predicatable.

However, you can type the returned value yourself

type MyCustomReturnType = {
  name: string;
  id: string;
  value: number;
const { data, error } = await sdkInstance.neynar<MyCustomReturnType>(
const { data, error } = await sdkInstance.airstack<MyCustomReturnType>(
// Now, you get type completion as though typescript knows what the returned value is